From Complexity To Simplicity

The practice of Recovery Nidra is easy and effective, beginning with the welcoming of yourself just as you are, and your life just as it is.

Inherent in this welcoming practice, is the deep feeling of belonging, without the desire to change anything, and simply to accept everything as it is.

Recovery Nidra begins at the end, with the essential experience of wholeness, and security. The shadows of the past are dissolved, and so begins the disentanglement of self imposed limitations and the established conditioning of the world.

Easy To Do

This easy to do practice is a direct and profound approach in which the body and mind are re-informed, through the experience of awakening sensations deep in the spine, skin and muscles, freeing breath, energy and old conditioned patterns.

Recovery Nidra gently reconstructs the idea that the body and mind are limited, and disconnected. Resulting in the dissolution of feelings of isolation, denial and resistance.

This reveals the peaceful nature of the mind, limitless and resistance free. The body is realigned with this felt understanding and expresses a new freedom in thoughts, feelings and activities.

Often this experience is accompanied with feelings of peacefulness and calm. Physical pain frequently diminishes or fades completely into the background. Anxiety, insecurities and chronic feelings of being unworthy, inadequate and fearful are released, as the mind sinks deeper and comes to rest at the heart.

Brain Plasticity

After Just 11 hours of learning techniques like Recovery Nidra, induces positive structural changes in brain connectivity, by boosting efficiency in a part of the brain that helps regulate behavior, forming and reorganizing neural pathways regardless of age or circumstance

The practice of Recovery Nidra is an example 9of neuroplasticity;the ability of the brain to form and recognize synaptic connections, Induce positive structural changes by boosting efficiency in a part of the brain that helps a person reguate behavior in accordance with their goals, for people in all ages and in all circumstances.

How To practice

A relaxed body is a relaxed mind and comfort is the key. Take some time exploring the needs of your body to enter a restful relaxed state. Find a quiet space, Cover yourself with a blanket, use comfy pillows, turn the phone off.

Lying flat on the floor is optimal but everyone’s situation is different, it’s important to find what’s right for you. As you continue throughout the course you may find the body adjusting and adapting more along with the requirements of the practice.

lying on your back, extend the legs long, separate your feet hip distance apart. Place the arms by the sides, slightly away from the body, turn your palms facing up.

Using an eye pillow will accelerate the process, It’s not necessary to close the eyes, but you will feel the eyes wanting to rest. Feel free to do it your own way, this is your practice and your time, get the most from your practice.