Recovery Nidra is the elegant merging of yoga nidra and the time-tested twelve step program.”

Two intentional and renowned programs dedicated to lessen human suffering. Each stand alone in their effectiveness, yet together, become the means by which you will regard yourself, and your life consistent with a new understanding.

Namely that behind all activity of your mind lies a background of peace. That your true nature is peaceful and that your happiness lies within. Gradually this understanding is integrated into every aspect of your recovery, and reveals to you an ‘Unshakable foundation for life.

Recovery Nidra Gently Dissolves Feelings of Resistance and Isolation

Recovery Nidra Gently Dissolves Feelings of Resistance and Isolation

Harvard Medical School found that meditation helps alleviate anxiety and allows individuals to better cope with stressful situations.

Think Clearer

Recovery Nidra is a model of neuroplasticity; the ability of the brain to modify its connections and rewire itself. The more times electrical messages journey down the same beaten tracks, the more solid and shaped into our existence they become.

Studies show lasting changes are created in brain connectivity after just eleven hours of practice. Join us on the advanced journey of effortless change.

Relax Deeper

This easy-to-do practice is a direct and profound approach to lasting change. In which the body and mind are re-informed, through the experience of awakening sensations deep in the spine, skin, cells, and muscles.

Releasing tension, stress and age old conditioned patterns.

Sleep Better

Meditation is the single most effective way to calm your nervous system. So you can get to sleep easier and faster.

Research shows that people finding it difficult to sleep, who practice Recovery Nidra, experience more time asleep than those using any other method.

“people can resolve chronic pain, heal from addiction, shed unhealthy patterns, enjoy more clarity and creativity, process grief, and access profound states of oneness.”

“people can resolve chronic pain, heal from addiction, shed unhealthy patterns, enjoy more clarity and creativity, process grief, and access profound states of oneness.”

[Dr. Richard Miller, Founder of IRest Yoga Nidra Meditation]